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I think I tan better without a lotion. So why should I use one?
This erroneous belief can be easily rectified once you actually understand the tanning process. For example, indoor tanning and UV exposure can be dehydrating to the skin. Professional tanning lotions will help to replenish any moisture that has been depleted during the tanning session, thereby improving your results. Not only will you get a darker tan, you will tan more quickly and it will last longer. In addition, professional lotions contain specific ingredients that promote tanning and melanin synthesis.  It has also been proven that moist skin will absorb more UV light to maximize the value you receive from your session.  Not using a lotion is like sitting on the chair, outside the bed,  the first 5 minutes of your tanning session

How are Professional lotions better than what I can purchase at the drugstore or supermarket?
Over-the-counter lotions do not contain the necessary ingredients that will maximize your tanning results and extend the life of your tan. Moreover, mass market products do not replenish as effectively any lost moisturization that occurs during the tanning process. Professional indoor lotions are also “bio-engineered” specifically for indoor tanning.

Which lotion is best for me?
There is an enormous variety in lotion choices today.  The proper lotion is based on your skin type and tanning desires.  We invite you to come in and talk to any of our experienced staff to discus your needs and requirements in a lotion.  They will help match you to the best lotion for your skin type and tanning tendencies.

Why do some lotions cost so much? Are they worth it? How much should I spend?
There is a great disparity in the cost of some of the lotions we carry.  We have affordable bottles that start at $20.  We also carry cosmetic quality bottles that sell for as much as $90.  Just like most consumer products the ingredients that go into the bottle determine its price.  It’s pretty simple the better quality the ingredients, the higher the price.  Also remember that you are typically splitting the cost of the bottle over 10-12 sessions.  So a $35 bottle of lotion is going to cost you $3 to $3.50 a session.  

The elite quality lotions, typically $50 and above, are on the cutting edge of skin nourishment and moisturization.  They glide on silky smooth and provide the optimum conditions for you skin to tan.  With this level of lotion you will notice a difference the first time you tan.

Excellent quality lotions have a price point of about $30-$50.  These are the workhorses of the industry.  These lotions provide excellent results without the sticker shock. However they are not as advanced as there more expensive cousins.  They typically will not have such expensive ingredients as DHA, an extremely powerful bronzer, or Silicone, the latest engineering advancement in moisturization.  However results are still attained with regular use and provide the best bang for your buck.

We also have a variety of affordable lotions that start at $20.  While these lotions still provide good results you may not tan as fast, or quite as deep, as more expensive lotions.  You are still however much better off using a salon quality professional lotion than supermarket brands, or worst yet none at all.

As to what you should spend.  That depends on you.  Spend to the level you are comfortable.  Also we have sample packets of nearly all lotions we sell.  This gives you a chance to “try before you buy” and personally see the results you get from the different lotion before you buy a bottle.

In the end tanning lotion is a lot like shampoo.  There is Suave shampoo that you can get for $2 or so a bottle, and there is shampoo sold in hair salons for $30 or more, there is also a wide variety in the middle.  Using any will clean your hair, and definitely better than not using any at all, but the higher quality shampoos will give your hair that extra radiance and shine to make you hair really stand out.   

How does a dual bronzer work?
Dual bronzers provide bronze gratification from immediate cosmetic bronzers such as caramel and walnut extract as well as from DHA sunless tanning agents, which oxidize over a few hours with the natural proteins in the skin to develop even deeper, darker results. It recommended waiting at least 4 hours after tanning with any bronzer to ensure results

Will bronzers turn me “orange”?
There are some bronzers in the marketplace that contain too high a percentage of DHA, or even contain low quality bronzing agents that produce unnatural and unattractive tanning results.  However we only stock bronzers that are “low-maintenance”, meaning they utilize the purest quality of DHA in conjunction with the perfect amount of bronzing agents to enhance the natural level of tan without staining or streaking or developing into an “unnatural” orange color.  This is another difference between professional and supermarket tanning lotion.

How does tingle work? What does it do?
Tingle products deliver a warming, reddening effect on the skin.  Tingle products increase the blood circulation at the surface of the skin.  This also brings more oxygen to the skin to produce deep, dark tanning results. Tingles are for advanced tanners and are not recommend for beginning tanners or individuals with sensitive skin. Tingle products are also effective on hard-to-tan areas such as the legs and arms.

I can’t feel the “tingle” anymore from my lotion. Why is that?
If you are an avid tingle tanner, oftentimes your skin acclimates to the tingle and you won’t feel the sensation anymore. Despite this fact, the tingle is still working even if you are not feeling the heat. As with hair care products, we recommend switching products from time to time to “jump start” your skin.

Tingle Advisory When Handling Infants: As with all tingle products, extra care should be taken when handling children as the reddening effect could be transferred to skin even hours after use.

Can I use indoor lotions outdoors?
It is not recommended to use indoor lotion outdoors simply because they do not contain an SPF. Indoor tanning is a controlled environment unlike outdoor exposure. 

What is the benefit of using a lotion that contains Hemp Seed Oil?
Hemp Seed Oil is a humectant that pulls moisture from the air to the surface of the skin. It is a skin care ingredient that provides powerful hydration. This is a wonderful ingredient in a tanning lotion because UV exposure can be dehydrating to the skin. In addition, Hemp Seed Oil contains essential fatty acids which help ingredients penetrate into the lipid layers of the skin for increased efficacy.

Will I fail a drug test using a lotion that contains Hemp Seed Oil?
No. The Hemp Seed Oil used in lotions are THC / drug-free. The Hemp Seed Oil used in indoor tanning lotions is a non-psychoactive industrial hemp variety of the cannabis sativa plant. There are no known cases of a positive drug test from the topical application of Hemp Seed Oil tanning lotions.

Can I use an “outdoor” tanning lotion/baby oil in the bed?
No! Outdoor lotions and all oil based lotions prohibited in the salon due to the damage they cause to the tanning equipment. In addition to giving inferior tanning results, outdoor tanning lotions contain ingredients such as mineral oil that actually restrict the transfer of light in the bed by damaging the acrylics.

Can I use the lotion on my face?
The facial area is much more delicate and more likely to have allergic reactions in comparison to the rest of the body. In fact, fragrance is one of the most common reasons for cosmetic allergic reactions on the face. That is why there are products specifically designed for the delicate facial area. 

However, using a regular professional tanning lotion is ok and is not going to damage the skin on your face.  You will just not get the best result possible, as you would with a lotion designed for the face.

Tanning Tips and Tricks

Why do I have these circles on my shoulders, buttocks, and/or lower waist that won’t tan?
These are called “pressure points”, where the most amount of pressure is on your body when reclining in the bed. The blood flow is constricted in those areas and that is why they don’t seem to tan at all. Your best bet is to alternate your positions when tanning by periodically lifting each side of your body off the acrylic for 5-10 seconds 2 to 3 times during your session.

Why are there two long lines that are just under my buttocks?
These are caused by the natural way the skin lays while tanning.  The pressure on your bottom creates a natural overlapping of the skin just below the buttocks.  To correct this we recommend two different options.  During your session after laying down you can shift your body weight down towards the foot of the bed.  This will cause the skin to stretch and open up, it may feel a little weird but it will do the trick.  Another option is during the last 3-5 minutes of your session open the canopy of the bed, get out, and sit back down on the bed like a chair.  This will allow the skin under the buttocks to stretch naturally and provide a seamless all around tan. 

I get white lines around my neck, why?
Similar to above, when you lay with your chin down you create natural folds in the skin.  To eliminate these periodically during the session tilt your head as far back as you can to expose all the skin on your neck, also turn your head from side to side to expose the side of the neck.  These will not be the most comfortable positions but you only need to hold them for maybe 30-45 seconds 2 or 3 times during the session as needed.

What is that “burnt skin” smell from tanning? What causes it?
Foremost, it is not “burnt skin”. That smell is known as the “after tan odor” and it is caused by friendly bacteria on the surface of the skin. The smell is the result from the bacteria when your body/skin gets hot from a tanning bed. Professional lotions contain specific antibacterial ingredients to eliminate that “after tan odor”. Moreover, lotions contain wonderful fragrances that further mitigate the after tan odor and
enhance your tanning session.

Does Showering Affect A Tan?
Some clients have been misinformed about taking a shower after tanning. They were led to believe that, somehow, their tan would get washed down the drain. A shower, like a tanning session, may tend to dry out the skin. While you can't necessarily wash your tan off, moist skin tans and retains a tan better than dry skin. On the pH scale of 0-14, the skin registers slightly acidic (about 5.6). Most soaps are well above the neutral pH, or about 7 on the scale. Using a typical over-the-counter soap with this higher alkaline pH can strip your skin of its essential acidic oils. Those oils lock in your skin's moisture. Shower gels are usually less harsh than regular bar soap. Always apply a good quality moisturizer after a shower to help preserve your tan. Showering after a session tends to dry out the skin, but there is evidence that showering before a tanning session may actually enhance tanning results. First, the heat from a shower opens your pores, enabling the skin to breathe and take in oxygen vital to the tanning process. Second, a shower will wash away dirt and dead skin cells that may impede ultraviolet penetration when you tan. Removing those dead cells also allows the active ingredients in lotions to work there way into the live skin cells more easily.

What Causes An Itch After Tanning?
A number of skin irritations may accompany indoor tanning at one time or another. Among these are rashes, itches, dry skin or white spots. An itch may occur from a reduced rate of melanin production in a particular area of the body, usually the stomach, chest, or other areas that have had minimal exposure to sunlight or tanning for a prolonged period. This may occur between the 3rd and 5th tanning session for most people, is normally temporary, and more of a nuisance than a real problem. This is usually a result of over stimulation of the nerve endings.

How Do I Protect A Fresh Tattoo?
It is important not to expose a fresh tattoo to sunlight or indoor tanning equipment, while the tattoo is still healing, since chemicals sensitive to UV exposure have been injected into the skin. Cover the tattooed area completely. After the skin has healed the chemicals have lost their sensitivity to UV, but continue to take moderate protective measures. Tattoos will continue to lose their brilliancy with exposure to UV light, whether it comes from indoors or from outdoors.  Use a good lip balm to protect and preserve the brilliancy of your tattoo. 

Can I Take Medications While Tanning?
Certain drugs, foods, perfumes, and cosmetics may contain ingredients that could make your skin super-sensitive when exposed to ultraviolet light, whether tanning indoors or outdoors in the sun. It is usually best to remove cosmetics and perfumes before tanning. Before starting a new medication or changing a prescription, it is always best to refer to the guidelines or consult with your physician or pharmacist regarding potential effects of the medication when exposed to sunlight or tanning lamps. Some medications may contain "photosensitizing" agents that, when exposed to ultraviolet light, could cause a
skin irritation or rash. Tetracycline and Retin-A, drugs widely used for the treatment of acne and some birth control pills are a few of the medications known to have the potential to be photosensitive. While you may not necessarily experience a reaction from the medication, it is always best to be aware that a reaction could exist.


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